PTSA Advocacy Alerts
Posted Sep. 17, 2018
The 2018-2019 PTSA Budget is under review and is being presented at the October 9th PTSA general meeting.
PTSA members are urged to take a look over the budget and prepare an opinion for the October 9th voting.
Click here to Download the PTSA 2018-2019 School Year Budget
UPDATED Sept. 13, 2018
Posted Sept. 3, 2018
The Howard County Board of Education is seeking your input on Options to Relieve High School Overcrowding. https://tinyurl.com/yaua99gn
Community members are urged to submit written testimony via letter (Board of Education Office, 10910 Clarksville Pike, Ellicott City, MD 21042) or email (BOE@hcpss.org) no later than 4:30pm on September 18, 2018. The Board is scheduled to take action on September 20, 2018.
The PTSA is in the process of working with the Administration to draft a Position Statement in response to the HCPSS call for public comments. The PTSA presented the initial draft of its Position Statement at the September meeting on September 11th. The membership and school administration offered additional commentary to be included in the statement and a final draft with those amendments will be presented for a final vote at the next Board meeting before being delivered to the Board of Education. Details and a copy of the Position Statement will be made available as part of the minutes from the September meeting as soon as possible.
Follow the Mt Hebron High School PTSA Facebook page and the PTSA website at www.mthebronptsa.com for important updates.
For questions about the call for public input, please contact the Board of Education office at 410-313-7194.