For the upcoming 2020-2021 school year, the PTSA, Parents of African American Students (PAAS), and Mt. Hebron staff are collaborating to bring a course of study and informed action on racism and anti-racism to our own community called MHHS FIRST One Book-One School.
NEXT UP: All are welcome on Tuesday, March 2 @ 7:00pm to join the One Book Parent Book Discussion Group to talk about Sections 4 & 5 on a Zoom call."
One Book-One School
is a movement designed to encourage an entire school community (staff, students, parents and the greater Mt. Hebron community) to read one book and participate in ongoing activities throughout the year. As a part of building informed knowledge to create informed action, we will be studying “Stamped: Racism, Anti-Racism and You” by Maryland's own Jason Reynolds, author of a Remix of the National-Book-Award-Winning book “Stamped From the Beginning” by Ibram X. Kendi.
Past Events
Community Dialogue Q&A on Wednesday, December 2, 2020 from 7-8:30pm.
Please register and submit questions through the links on this flier.
Legacy of Inequity - From Then to Now Community Dialogue
Wednesday, November 18 from 7:00-8:30pm
Join Maura Dunnigan and Trent Day Hall for a Community Dialogue, as they continue to lead us through an exploration of the historical roots of multiple systems of oppression and their lasting impacts. Please register here.
If interested, please sign up here so we can contact you about related activities. The book is available in hardcopy, on audible, and at the library (get on the waiting list now!). Consider purchasing your own copy from this list of black-owned bookstores: https://lithub.com/you-can-order-today-from-these-black-owned-independent-bookstores/.
The PTSA has 10 copies to loan out. Please email Caroline Bodziak at president@mthebronptsa.com to arrange pick up. If needed PTSA can deliver the book to you.
The first One Book Parent Group virtual Discussion took place Oct. 20. The first Community Event was Oct. 28 and brought together the staff, student, and parent groups for a common experience on “Legacy of Inequity: Then and Now”. Find the recording here.
Even more information about Mt. Hebron’s One Book One School program is available on the Mt. Hebron High School website's homepage (it’s one of the menu boxes).
Reading this powerful interdisciplinary book together will be a great way to inform our action as a community. Our journey is only just beginning. PTSA/PAAS will send out updates as they develop.
Questions? Email Caroline Bodziak, PTSA President, at president@mthebronptsa.com
