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Mt. Hebron Mulch sale is NOW OPEN!!!


PTSA Mulch Sale Alert! Support Our After-Prom Event!

Our biggest fundraiser for After-Prom, the Mt. Hebron Mulch Sale is NOW OPEN!! You can order mulch
here. Delivery day is March 16. Note: We deliver mulch for orders of 15 or more bags.

HELP WANTED!! Do you have a pickup truck, trailer, or vehicle suitable for deliveries? Join our team to
deliver mulch joy to purchasers throughout the Mt. Hebron area. You can
sign-up here , just scroll
down the page and add your name under drivers. Your assistance will be invaluable in making this
event a huge success!
s make this year's Mulch Sale a phenomenal success for a safe and memorable After-Prom!

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